Home Made Christmas Presents 2018 (made with the help of my Glowforge)
This year I used a Glowforge to make Christmas presents for my friends and family. Here are some of my favorites.
This one is a combination of wood cut and engraved on the Glowforge, and printed materials on paper. All of the shapes, patterns, and text were found via internet searches.
This one is made of two layers of baltic birch plywood with a vintage world map sandwiched in between. I printed out the map on paper. The screws in the corners serve a dual purpose - they help to hold the plywood panels together and they also add to the gritty feel. I did multiple layers of different colors of spray paint to achieve the textured look of the top piece.
I made this one for my Mom’s cabin. I purchased the white and gold print from Michael’s, the words were cut out of 1/8” birch plywood and spray painted black, it is rounded out with a frame and some rustic corner pieces.
This one is printed vintage sheet music sandwiched between two layers of baltic birch plywood. The wording is cut and the image is engraved. I used different colors of spray paint to achieve the textured look of the top piece. Nails in each corner help to hold everything together.